
is a commitment to seeing a task through to the end, not just until you get tired of it.
-- Howard Cate


come and conquer and drop your bombs
cross my borders and kill the calm
bear your fangs and burn my wings
I hear bullets singing

and if you want me I'm your country
if you win me I'm forever


cada día mas corto.

willl they grow longer in 3 months?
it gets shorter everyday.

happy labor day.

greetings from my work station,

I remember last year, my Cameronian friend Lydia invited me, April and Nicole to have lunch at her house.
I remember how the day was less sunnier than today.
Lydia is just such a good cook,
as I have never tried any Cameronian foods before and I have to admit it is still the best meal I have ever eaten here in Spain.

I remember we sing over Whitney Houston's videos
and danced over Gloria Estefan

I remember Dad called me and askin me about the swine flu.

I remember that we said grace for families and job that have been provided for us.

Felices dia de trabajo!