
Just like infatuation, sadness grows fonder if we pamper it. It leads you to sorrow... Go change direction!

When it starts to blossom

I'm leaving you when it started to blossom.
When all fears fade and I feel ready to carry on everything.

Not a single tear I shed for sadness.
Tears fall for gratitude, for a good life, blessing I have been gathered, protection of security, assurity that there's nothing in this world would have ever left me alone.

Tears I had shed is a proof of a victory. That He the one who make it happens, had fought before me and never leave me astray.
Victory for the obedience and trust on Him of every circumstances.

Let this remarkable 2,5 years of my life be milestone for every obstacle, problems that I will face tomorrow.
How I was prepared for a bigger journey of my life.

The Lord is my sheperd, I shall not want.

Be bloom, grow and fall.. In every circumstances, I rejoice in the truth. The truth that has set me free.


Darling, open your eyes, let me show you the light

fall to deeply for these two songs.
both the sample and the remake.

darling, open your eyes..let me show you the light.
you may never find a love that's right.


Estoy pero no estoy

I acknowledge that it's been a rough way to reach the harbour. I say grace instead of curse. The fact that we'll become so familiar with the wind and storm when we reach our boat, relieves me.

I'm with you in prayer.

Tenia tanto que darte , tantas cosas que contarte..

i will always remember Madrid along with this song.
It was quite irritating one that so many places were playing this song like everywhere with many versions and i still vision myself words playing on the lyrics.
Today I found me humming and I remember that it won't be too long to reach home.
So many things have been happening in this city, in Spain, in Europe.
how i feel blessed!

Tenia Tanto -- Nena Daconte

Prometo guardarte en el fondo de mi corazón / Prometo acordarme siempre de aquel raro diciembre
Prometo encender en tu día especial una vela / y soplarla por ti... / Prometo no olvidarlo nunca

Tenia tanto que darte / Tantas cosas que contarte / Tenia tanto amor,guardado para ti...

Tenia tanto que darte / Tantas cosas que contarte / Tenia tanto amor,guardado para ti...

Camino despacio pensando volver hacia atrás, / No puedo en la vida las cosas suceden no más...
Aún pregunto que parte de tu destino se quedó conmigo, / Pregunto que parte se quedo por el camino

Tenia tanto que darte / Tantas cosas que contarte / Tenia tanto amor, guardado para ti...

Tenia tanto que darte / Tantas cosas que contarte / Tenia tanto amor, / guardado para ti...

Tenia tanto que a veces maldigo mi suerte.. / A veces la maldigo... /Por no seguir contigo...

Tenia tanto que darte /Tantas cosas que contarte / Tenia tanto amor, / guardado para ti...

Tenia tanto que darte / Tantas cosas que contarte /Tenia tanto amor, /guardado para ti


Certain person makes your eyes rolling over and over again and caused a deep sigh...Love them anyway!

It's getting reaal close to the day of my leaving. The mixed feeling I experience now doesn't contain sadness either excitement for home.
Here's my list. Boxes of stuffs. (Tick. Done. Sent. Arrived.. )Ticket. (Done. Bought. Printed.) Bagagge. ( X ) Room, clean ( X ) Farewells ( X )

Along with this, yet there're things from certain person that still do favors from satan to try my patience. Oh God have mercy.
God gives mercy my laptop adaptor that's not working well at the moment too..

Have a pleasant evening, baby.. :)


Que me cuentas!

release those tensions from your neck....

Our trials are not meaningless or random. It's not outsight of His sovereign control instead we are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality. (inspired by Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

photo: Estacion de Autobus - Castilla de Mancha , Febrero 2011

mercado de san miguel

Q: Any particular places you'd like to hang out during weekdays?

A: Love to munchin some Montaditos on Wednesday and sippin' vermut after.
No other place could ever be as chic as Mercado de San Miguel!
I feel like making one in Jakarta, but meanwhile.. I plan to come here everyday
before my departing day. ;)


a single air from you, you'll see that i will do anything. like anything!

it ached me to see you smiling in my dream last night.

Why do I have to see you in my dream?
Why does it feel so true when we have a dream about anything?
Why do people try to resolve the mistery of dreams?
Why do I feel this?

Why do I ask if this dream could be real at time?
Why do I keep denying that we were quite good together?
Why is it so hard to move on?
Will I see you again tonight?

photo courtesy: kimberlygillet . Jody Sticca


vain & vapid

i guess, when you are madly in love with someone and you tend to neglect and become such an ignorant to others, that's foolishness.

and that's not love!

drawings courtesy: behance.net


O sea..

The most difficult thing about learning a language for a fast speaker like me is, your brain still needs to think before you speak.

You feel like making a quick response, you have all the idea in the tip of your tongue, BUT the brain freezed cause all those verbs that you're about to put into a phrase needed to be transformed into the form of conjugation. Subject changes, so does the verbs, and on and on and on.

No matter how long you've been living in the origin country of the native language, or how long have you been studying all those grammars, but you don't use, speak and practice the language... Ever you won't be able to speak, or you might speak but your accent fails you.

And the idea was just the same as being in love.
No matter how you live in beautiful ideology, philosophy and theories of love.. much more because you've read and you were told by people... the experience will never be the same.
You might know how, but the fluency of controlling your heart and mind won't go anywhere.

Let's cut the crap and stay in love...

Paseo Marques de Zafra, 2011.

So if you flash your heart, I won't mistreat it..


please take this cup from me..

Haven't I told you this before...

...that God had taught me to be more humble in special celebrations like birthday and Christmas?
I smell something's wrong when I failed to enjoy 'em last year.

Celebrations of life is not about ourselves. *correction.... Life itself is NEVER about us.

..Wait, now I post this article with my OWN self picture? Speaking about life is not about myself? I'm so not ready for this. oh teach me...


in love. so much in love.

Songs for the storm

70% of my morning everyday could be ruined only by reading timeline in twitter.
I know that I need to bring the Newspaper habit back into my system instead of trusting too many informations absorbing only in 140 characters.
Some people that I follow linked to electronic newspaper or I simply just read headlines from the newspaper account and read more on news that I choose to read.

This news is readable, and I skipped others.

What had happened this morning, everyone in the timeline shared the same information. Unfortunately the information was a tragedy. People angry, some are being cynics, some are sad, some linked addresses so the follower could read and became as angry as them.

We know the world is getting crazy. You know it's true.

Many of us is in the midst of the storm. Fighting and struggling to get out from the twist of it.
You might see the darkness in your sunny day and the wind is too hard for you to hold on.
You might hate the reason why the storm is spinning, cause it could have been yourself who did it, or it could be given by others, by strangers.

One thing to say is just hang on there and set your focus to the light.. Cause no matter how big the storm is, it will end. I have no doubt about it.

The most important thing is, how do you stand in the midst of it?
Do you stand firm enough not to make yourself stumble and fall? Or you finally accustomed enough then you can walk in it. ( little steps count, don't you know? )

Secondly, let's meditate, analyse, try to remember how the storm could came your way?
Was it yourself? Was it others?
If it's from yourself... Stop the war inside, go and have peace with yourself! You'll find yourself sleeping like a baby tonight if you can make it.
If it from others, just remember that we are never be flawless ourselves..
How can we be sure that we never gave storm to anyone?

Can we give our best to THAT person who brought the storm in our lives?

Who says life is easy? Let go....

Pito, Pito, Gorgorito.....

Plaza Mayor, Madrid 18 de Diciembre 2010

Blackstreet - Don't Leave

Still humming many songs from Another Level album in 1996.
Don't Leave and I Wanna Be Your Man are sometimes became auto played in my head when there's no song to sing.
My heart is gay and suave.

.....i'll go crazy, i'll go insane...


Breakfast with Barrios Kartika

This Saturday morning was special.
Jose Barrios and his wife Sinta Kartika invited Anastasia, Wulan and I to have breakfast at their house in Rivas.
We had pancakes and couldn't stop laughing to see Rodrigo, their son clowning around the house.
Ah right, for sure.. Jaime, Jose's nephew was also there too.

Breakfast time to brunch and brunch to lunch and lunch to afternoon coffee.
The meal was great as the companionship was warm and witty.

Lovely early day in Spring.

El dolor sin Dios sufre más.

My self portrait in Castillo de ucles, taken by Wulan Azhar


I let you go

So many memories made in this house.
Together we received blessings, through struggles and joyfully celebrating success.

Was a great 17 years living with you.
As we believe blessings and success will comes along with us to the new house.
There will be more celebrations of life flow as life continues with us 6.

Goodbye Rumah Burung.
My teenage year is definitely over.. ♥