
While no one tells us that everything will be easy, 
but something tells us that it will always be worth it.

Cause at the most difficult time, you know life grants you the biggest ears, and an open heart of a girlfriend that made you able get through everything with laughter (and more rules and rules and rules..... Haaa!!! )

I can't thank God enough for her presence.
We've walked through Goya to Atocha by foot together in winter,
enjoying Morocco and forgetting diet for couscous and tajine,
loving details and Arabian ornaments,
passing a heavy traffic jam and got lost in so many streets
We were newbies to our own home town.
Seekers to ourselves.
Survivors for our own feets.

Life has been easier with having her close.

I can't thank God enough for having
Heidy Wulandari in my life.


  1. Replies
    1. Gracias mi manzanita pequenia... tu conoces a Wulan.. isn't she a keeper? :)

  2. Dicen que ser joven es lo mejor de la vida ---> si tienes alguien con quien compartes las risas y los dolores.
    Dicen que viajar es la mejor forma de estudiar ---> si tienes alguien con quien observes alrededor y no tener problemas aunque teneis diferentes opiniones.
    Dicen que equivocarse es el mejor Guru en la vida ---> si tienes alguien quien te regañe y te abraze en el mismo tiempo.
    Y mi 'alguien' eres tu, kakab... Te quieroooo.... <3<3<3

    1. Venga ya, comenzamos a llorar ahora !! :D y yoo a tiii Geeeeen!!!! mmmmmmuchiiiiisimo.....

    2. pero Pan con tomate que quieras que te llame? ;)

    3. quiero que me llames el desayuno :p la mejor comida durante el dia. a que si?

    4. ok, desa! que si que eres de pueblo. x'D
